
The Nigerian National IT policy (USE IT) was formulated in March 2001 with sixteen sectoral application areas and the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) was established as the implementation agency. Out of these sixteen sectoral applications, this study sought to determine the extent of implementation of the policy in six of the sectors - health, agriculture, urban and rural development, arts, culture and tourism, national security and law enforcement as well as research and development. Ministries and agencies relevant to each sector were studied and the extent of implementation of the IT policy was evaluated. The study also assessed the newly drafted national ICT Policy to determine whether areas in the current national IT policy that are yet to be satisfactorily implemented has been taken care of and then make recommendations. Fifteen Heads of departments across selected sectors were interviewed face-to-face, one online interview via e-mail as well as fifty-nine copies of questionnaire administered. Interview responses were transcribed verbatim based on extent of implementation of each of the objectives of the IT policy that each sector seeks to achieve. Questionnaires were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and inferences were drawn by rating responses on a scale of 1-5 (excellent to not satisfactory respectively).The study adjudged that the extent of implementation of the national IT policy in health, agriculture, Nigeria Police Force as well as in the research and development sector was very satisfactory. Implementation in urban and rural development and in the Nigeria Immigration Service was seen as average; while it was adjudged unsatisfactory in Arts, Culture and Tourism sector. A review of the newly drafted national ICT policy revealed that some of the identified gaps in the current national IT policy had been incorporated to an extent while recommendations were made for the other areas. The study recommended among others, that the arts, culture and tourism sector should not be neglected as it is critical to transforming the country’s economy if properly managed by harnessing IT capabilities in its transformation. The Nigerian national ICT policy (draft) should put appropriate measures in place to create an enabling environment that will enhance effective and coordinated ICT development across all sectors, especially in the arts, culture and tourism sector.

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