
Abstract Cotton was planted on 3 May in a Faceville loamy sand on 38-inch rows near Laurel Hill in southeastern NC. Recommended practices for fertility and weed management were followed, and 0.75 lb (AI)/acre Temik 15G used at planting for thrips control. Plots were 40 ft X 6 rows, with 10-ft alleys and 4 replications arranged in a RCBD. The entire test was oversprayed with 0.75 lb (AI)/acre Orthene 75S on 7 Jun to encourage TBW establishment via destruction of beneficial arthropods. A single application was applied to all plots on 17 Jun. All applications were applied with a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer calibrated to deliver 8 gpa at 50 psi with a single Spraying Systems TX-8 hollow cone nozzle per row. On 25 Jun, 25 terminals from each plot were examined for TBW eggs, terminal and square damage from TBW and live larvae. On 30 Jul, the number bolls were counted for 15 ft for each plot per replicate (60 ft total per treatment). Plots were harvested with a 2-row John Deere mechanical harvester on 4 Nov. All data were analyzed via ANOVA and DMRT.

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