
Abstract: A comparative study of six onion ( Allium cepa L.) varieties (Red Creole, Chiltan-89, Local, SariabSurkh, White Globe and Local Kandhari) was conducted against thrips infestation in Quetta, Pakistan. Theresults of the trial revealed that Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is the attacking species toonion in the region. All the varieties were i nfested by thrips at various degrees. Maximum yield (11500 kg ha G 1 )was obtained by Chiltan-89 and minimum (812.5 kg haG 1 ) by Red Creole. Local Kandhari followed by SariabSurkh were the most susceptible to thrips infestation while Chiltan-89 was optimum. The population got its peek(14.74 thrips per plant) at 27.91 0C with 52.64% humidity in the month of August. On the basis of the results onion variety Chiltan-89 is recommended for commercial cultivation in the region. Key words: Onion, thrips, variety, Balochistan, Pakistan INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS The province of Balochistan is the largest in Pakistan To evaluate the best onion variety against thethat is well known for the production of fruits and minimum infestation of thrips for the specific agro-ecovegetables

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