
Apposition of cementum occurs in phases resulting in two types of layers with different optical and staining properties that can be observed by light microscopy. Narrow, dark staining incremental lines are separated by wider bands of pale staining cementum. The distance from one line to the next represents a yearly increment deposit of cementum in many mammals, and counting these lines has been used routinely to estimate the age of the animals. Incremental lines in cementum have also been observed in sections of human teeth, and the object of the present investigation was to examine a number of methods for preparing and staining them for counting. Longitudinal and transverse sections, either ground or decalcified, were cut from formalin fixed human dental roots, paraffin embedded or frozen, and stained using several techniques. The cementum was investigated using conventional light, fluorescence, polarized light, confocal laser scanning, interference contrast, phase contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Incremental lines in the cementum could be observed in ground sections and, following decalcification, in both frozen and paraffin embedded sections. Toluidine blue, cresyl violet, hematoxylin, or periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stained incremental lines allowing differentiation by conventional light microscopy. Contrast was best using fluorescence microscopy and excitation by green light since the stained cemental bands, but not the incremental lines, fluoresced after staining with cresyl violet, PAS or hematoxylin and eosin. The results with other microscopic techniques were unsatisfactory. Since incremental lines are not destroyed by acids and stain differently than the remaining cementum, it is likely that they possess an organic structure which differs from the cementum. Incremental lines in human dental cementum could be observed best using decalcified sections stained with cresyl violet excited by green light.

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