
The drag-swab Salmonella screening technique was evaluated using less expensive alternatives to double-strength skim milk (2 x SM) as a saturating medium for drag swabs. Ten pre-determined Salmonella-positive poultry houses were studied. In the first phase, Salmonella screening efficiency of drag swabs impregnated with 2 x SM and commercially available canned Carnation evaporated skim milk (CESM) were compared. Results showed CESM to be a less efficient alternative. In the second phase of the study, the Salmonella screening efficiency of drag swabs impregnated with 2% buffered peptone water (BPW), physiological saline (PS), and distilled water (DW) were evaluated along with an unimpregnated drag swab (dry drag swab) (DD) as possible alternatives to 2 x SM. The efficiency of Salmonella detection using various impregnation treatments were in the following order: 2 x SM > PS > BPW > DW > DD.

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