
Aim. Improvement of the enterprise business processes management by offering methodical tools for assessing the possibilities to fulfill customer requirements before concluding a contract for product delivery / service provision.Objectives. To analyze the existing approaches to the management of enterprise business pro- cesses in the scientific literature; to determine the control points of end-to-end management of business processes; to consider the peculiarities of the application of qualitative and quan- titative types of risk analysis; on the basis of the conducted research to develop a methodology for assessing the possibilities of meeting customer requirements at the enterprise.Methods. The article considers the methodology of assessing the possibilities of fulfillment of customer requirements as an element of end-to-end management of business processes at the enterprise. With the help of general scientific and special economic and statistical methods, such as analysis, synthesis and comparison, the key control points of the business process man- agement system, where different management approaches to risk analysis are applied, are de- termined. The trends characteristic of the current state and development of risk analysis methods are highlighted, their advantages and disadvantages are established. Systemic and complex approaches are applied to the studied phenomena and processes. Results. In the process of the conducted analysis the deficit of attention to the application of methods of business process risk management at the stage of pre-contract work was found out. Within the framework of the concept of risk-oriented thinking, which is at the heart of modern management systems, the article highlights the applied approaches to risk analysis, the algorithm of realization of expert risk analysis at the enterprise is proposed, the types of requirements used for evaluation are defined. The indicator of feasibility of customer require- ments at the enterprise is calculated, the criteria for making a management decision based on the results of the assessment are revealed, The variants of auxiliary documentation developed in the course of the assessment are given. Thus, the developed methodology acts as a control point at the initial stage of realization of the algorithm of end-to-end management of business processes of the enterprise.Conclusions. The proposed methodological toolkit for assessing the ability to fulfill customer requirements is a preventive measure to eliminate risks before the delivery of products / ser- vices. The procedure and peculiarities of the methodology application are given on the example of analyzing the level of feasibility of the customer’s requirements of the gas industry com- pany, Realizing the service of construction of main gas pipelines and compressor stations. The developed methodical toolkit allows to increase the level of quality of realization of business processes and the degree of their transparency, to provide more balanced management decisions, to improve conditions for contract conclusion, to reduce the number of discrepancies in the activity of enterprises of gas and other industrial branches.

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