
Background: Quinoa is a nutrient-dense pseudocereal with remarkable nutritional quality. It is a gluten-free crop that provides a balanced set of essential amino acids and possesses hypoglycemic and free fatty acid-lowering properties. Quinoa has gained popularity in the current era due to its tolerance to extreme weather conditions, nutritional composition and other industrial applications. Methods: The present study analyzed the physical and functional properties of quinoa using standard procedures and assessed the impact of germination on these properties. Germinated flour was developed by soaking quinoa seeds overnight and allowing for germination for 72 hours in an incubator at 20±2°C at 80-90% humidity. Germinated seeds were oven-dried at 60±2°C for 45 minutes, followed by grinding into flour and storing the flour in a dry and air-tight container for further analysis. Result: The study findings showed that quinoa seeds had good physical properties. All functional properties viz water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, emulsion and foaming properties of quinoa flour improved on germination except flour solubility. It is concluded that germination is a cost-effective processing technique for enhancing the functional properties of quinoa flour, so as to increase its industrial use for product development. Germinated quinoa flour can be utilized in the development of various infant formulas.

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