
In this paper, the EPICS2017 photoatomic database was used to evaluate the photon mass attenuation coefficients and buildup factors of soils collected at different depths in the Philippine islands. The extraction and interpolation of the library was accomplished at the recommended linear-linear scales to obtain the incoherent and total cross section and mass attenuation coefficient. The buildup factors were evaluated using the G-P fitting method in ANSI/ANS-6.4.3. An agreement was achieved between XCOM, MCNP5, and EPICS2017 for the calculated mass attenuation coefficient values. The buildup factors were reported at several penetration depths within the standard energy grid. The highest values of both buildup factor classifications were found in the energy range between 100 and 400 keV where incoherent scattering interaction probabilities are predominant, and least at the region of predominant photoionization events. The buildup factors were examined as a function of different soil silica contents. The soil samples with larger silica concentrations were found to have higher buildup factor values and hence lower shielding characteristics, while conversely, those with the least silica contents have increased shielding characteristics brought by the increased proportions of the abundant heavier oxides.

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