
In this work, a combination of two hydrofluorocarbon compounds, pentafluoroethane (FC-125, C2HF5) and 1,1-difluoroethane (FC-152a, CF2H–CH3), was evaluated as a potential replacement for perfluorocompounds in dielectric etch applications. A high aspect ratio oxide via etch was used as the test vehicle for this study, which was conducted in a commercial inductively coupled high density plasma etch tool. Both process and emissions data were collected and compared to those provided by a process utilizing a standard perfluorinated etch chemistry (C2F6). Global warming (CF4, C2F6, CHF3) and hygroscopic gas (HF, SiF4) emissions were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. FC-125/FC-152a was found to produce significant reductions in global warming emissions, on the order of 68 to 76% relative to the reference process. Although etch stopping, caused by a high degree of polymer deposition inside the etched features, was observed, process data otherwise appeared promising for an initial study, with good resist selectivity and etch rates being achieved.

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