
Introduction. The development of a system of cadet education organizations is an important part of the training of highly qualified military personnel. Under the conditions of various regulatory documents on the food supply of the cadet, it is extremely important to implement studies of actual energy expenditures and adjust dietary standards taking into account the characteristics of physical development, physical activity, health status and characteristics of the children’s learning regime. Material and methods. The object of the study were pupils of grades 5-11 of the cadet corps of the Volga Federal District. There were investigated indices of the state of health and physical development of cadets according to results of their medical examinations, data on the organization of nutrition, the results of the assessment of daily motor activity. There were evaluated retrospective data on the health status of pupils for each cadet corps in the aggregate of the total number of pupils for three years. To carry out the research tasks, there were used hygienic, anthropometric and physiometric methods as well as methods of mathematical data processing. To assess the daily energy expenditure and the level of motor activity, there were used methods of daily timing, heart rate monitoring using a Polar V800 heart rate monitor and a Polar H10 sensor. Catering was evaluated according to results of the analysis of the cyclic menu, technological maps, menu layouts and data on the operating mode of the catering unit and catering. Results. Among the pupils, there were prevailed physical and dynamic loads, providing high levels of average daily physical activity. The current nutritional standards failed to take into account the needs of the cadets at actual levels of motor activity. Conclusion. The level of the physical activity of the child and his diet determines the likelihood of a decrease in the functional capabilities of the body, mental and physical performance, body resistance, the formation of physical development disorders and chronic diseases. To determine the required caloric content of children’s diet, there is recommended to conduct a preliminary assessment of the actual motor activity of children, taking into account the daily regimen and the educational and sports programs implemented in the institution.

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