
The problem of noise in the learning environment (schools and universities) are consider as one of the environmental problems that has an effecton the process of concentration and assimilation and on the efficiency of the performance of studentsand their educational abilities, so the goal of current research is to studythe noise in one of the educational environments by measuring and evaluate the noise level experimentally by using a Sound Pressure Level Meter Type 2 UT 351 to measure noise levels for each site 100 times for 10 minutesin some arenas in campus of the University of Technology at Baghdad,by choosinga number of selected sites (31sites) during working hours for the periodsfrom 9 to 10 AM and 11 to12 AM. After recording the data for noise level of the maximum and minimum noise levels which recorded in the measurement locations was identified for periods 9-10 AM and 11-12 AM ,then calculate the average equivalent noise level for each location in order to compared with the limits of noise allowed which defined by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results of this study showed that the equivalent noise level at all measurement locations ranged between (59.29 -79.01) dBA for a period of 9-10 AM and between (58.23- 70.1) dBA for the period of 11-12 AM, where exceeded the permissible limits, which require the level of noise less than 55 dBA for such educational institutions as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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