
An experiment was conducted at Field Experimental Block, Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Keonjhar, during Kharif season of two consecutive years of 2015 and 2016 under RKVY project to evaluate new herbicide molecules in direct seeded rice. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with eight treatments combinations and three replications. The eight treatment combinations studied were as follows: T1: Oxadiargyl (Topstar 80% WP) @ 87.5 g/ha as PE (2 DAS) fb Bispyribac sodium (Fujisuper 10% SC) @200 ml/ha as POE at 25 DAS, T2: Pyrazosulphuron Ethyl (Saathi-10%WP)-@ 200g/h as PE-2DAS fb Bispyribac sodium (Fujisuper 10% SC) @200 ml/ha as POE at 25 DAS, T3: Pendimethalin (Pendiherb 30% EC) @ 3000ml/ha as PE fb Bispyribac sodium (Fujisuper 10% SC) @200 ml/ha as POE at 25 DAS, T4:Pretilachlor(Rifit-50% EC) @ 1000ml/ha -2DAS as PE fb Bispyribac sodium (Fujisuper 10% SC) @200 ml/ha as POE at 25 DAS, T5: Pretilachlor(Rifit-50% EC) @ 1000ml/ha as PE 2DAS fb Metsulphuron Ethyl+Chlorimuron Methyl (Almix-20%) @ 40g/ha POE 45 DAS , T6: Penoxulam (Granite-12.7% EC)@ 92.3 ml/ha as POE 15 DAS, T7: Hand weeding twice at 25 and 50 DAS, T8 : Un-weeded Control. . Results revealed that application of Penoxsulam @ 20 ml/ha at 15 DAS as PoE (T6) produced grain yield of 38.1 q/ha and weed control efficiency (WCE) of 89.1% at par with hand weeding at 25 & 50 DAS (T7) with grain yield of 41.8 q/ha and WCE of 92.3%, but found superior in respect of net return (Rs.23430/ha) and B:C ratio (2.0)

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