
The present study evaluated nutritional attributes of local medicinal herbs and analysed their effect as feed additives in sheep ration. Proximate and fiber analysis of all herbs- Allium sativa, Cuminum cyminum, Emblica officinalis, Murraya koenigiii, Pimpinella anisum, Sapindus trifoliatus, Terminalia arjuna, Trigonella-foenum graecum, Zingiber officinale, Curcuma longa, Ocimum tenuiflorum and Azadirachta indica and their further screening at different inclusion levels of 3%, 3.5% and 4% of ration to ascertain their effect on in vitro rumen fluid pH, dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility of ration was carried out during in vitro phase. Pimpinella anisum @ 3% of ration resulted in significant increase in in vitro dry matter digestibility and in vitro organic matter digestibility of ration. In vivo trial was conducted in which fourteen indigenous, non-descript, adult male sheep (body weight, 27.10±0.10 kg and age, 22-24 months) were randomly allotted into two groups and fed ad lib. wheat straw and concentrate mixture @ 25 g/W0.75 along with Pimpinella anisum @ 3% of ration in treatment group. Comparable OM, CP, EE digestibility was seen in both groups, however, treatment group had significantly higher DM, total carbohydrate, CF, NDF, ADF and HC digestibility. Both groups had positive nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus balance, however, treatment group had significantly increased nitrogen balance. Rumen fermentation parameters were comparable in both groups. Haemoglobin, PCV, serum protein and albumin in treatment group were significantly higher while no significant variation was seen in serum globulin, Albumin:Globulin ratio, total cholesterol, ALT, AST, BUN, creatinine and blood glucose concentration between both groups. It can be inferred from the above data that Pimpinella anisum @ 3% of ration can effectively be used as a feed additive in sheep ration for improving feed intake, nutrient digestibility and utilisation.

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