
To evaluate three multicoil breast arrays for both conventional and SENSE-accelerated imaging. Two commercially available 8-element coils and a prototype 16-element coil were compared. One 8-element array had adjustable coils located next to the breast tissue and the other had a fixed coil arrangement; both were designed to allow parallel imaging in the left-right direction. The 16-element coil was designed to have coil sensitivity variation in both the left-right and superior-inferior directions, and also had adjustable coils. Their performance was assessed in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), g-factor, and uniformity with a custom-built phantom. The 16-element array with adjustable coils provided the highest SNR, while the 8-element coil with a fixed coil arrangement had the best uniformity. All coils performed well for SENSE acceleration in the left-right direction. The 8-element coils did not have the capability for acceleration in the superior-inferior direction across the whole volume. The 16-element coil enabled acceleration in the superior-inferior direction in addition to the left-right direction. Smaller, adjustable coil elements located next to breast tissue can provide greater SNR than larger, fixed coil elements. A multicoil breast array with high intrinsic SNR and low g-factors enables high-quality parallel imaging.

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