
Mine rock wastes are materials that are removed in order to access and mine the ore. They pose significant environmental challenges due to their existence in large volumes. The chemical and geomechanical properties of mine rock wastes were determined to aid in assessing their suitability for use as aggregates for road construction. The chemical and geotechnical test performed on the samples were Sulphate, pH, Aggregate Crushing Value, Sodium Sulphate Soundness, Aggregate Impact Value, Specific Gravity, Bulk Density, Water Absorption, Los Angeles Abrasion Value, and XRF analysis, which was conducted in accordance with the British Standard (BS) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards.The test results obtained indicated that, all the samples passed the British Standard (BS) and American Society for Testing and Materials ( ASTM ) making them suitable to be used as aggregates for road construction. The results obtained further showed that the Banket Sandstone is the best material to be used as aggregates substitute for road construction among all the waste rocks in Damang since it was relatively the most optimum rock type.

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