
The use of cytogenetic parameters, including micronuclei and seminal fluid quality, is one of the most important indicators relied upon to determine the harm that a person may suffer during his work. Benzene is an important organic product. When exposed to it continuously, it may lead to many disorders. As well as exposure to gasoline, vapors can cause damage to the DNA, which is one of the possible causes of cancer in humans. The study was conducted on 80 individuals, 50 workers in filling stations who are permanently exposed to petroleum derivatives by inhaling them while refueling vehicles, and {the control group} also consisted of 30 individuals collected from rural areas. Cells of Exfoliated buccal and seminal fluid were obtained from each subject to examine. The frequency of micronucleus among workers in filling stations results showed a significant increase compared to the control group. The hesitance of micronuclei among workers in filling stations was (106± 3.23) compared to the control group which was (27.6 ± 3.26), as well as the results obtained showed that there were statistically significant differences between semen indicators for workers in filling stations compared to the control group, there is exception.

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