
Quality assessment of software is big issue for software development team The reason is variations of designed software in size and methodology. A huge number of metrics has designed to assess quality of software up to a level. In this paper we are discussing Object oriented metrics used to assess quality of software at design level as well as at code level. Although correct assessment of software quality is not possible but using Object oriented metrics quality can be assessed up to limit. The main focus of research is to assess software quality at design level because design level quality assessment effects coding, testing, maintaining phase of software development life cycle. First, for evaluating metrics of design level UML diagram is used as an input. A Java Parser is designed for parsing the XML code of UML diagram .Second, Quality of same software projects also assessed at code level using same formula as at the design level. At code level Eclipse with Metrics 1.3.6 is used for assessing quality. We observed that software quality at code level moves around CC (Cyclometer Complexity), LCOM (Lack Cohesion of Methods) and LOCM (Lines of Code of method).And we find out that for increasing quality of software, CC and LCOM and LOCM are low. For decreasing quality CC, LCOM and LOCL are high.

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