
Modern hybrid maize varieties dominated for several decades both in Slovenia and elsewhere in the world. The production is maintained only of few landrace populations, but some are maintained at Slovenian Gene Bank. Improvement of local varieties is possible by recurrent selection and may in the case of their specific characteristics deserve their cultivation for specific purposes. Presented experiments have been conducted to characterize selected old Slovenian accessions in two regions - in central Slovenia and in Bela Krajina. Yields of corn at both locations and both years were significantly depending on the genotype. 'Rdeča Bohinjka' and partially 'Rumena Bohinjka' and, similarly, the 'LJ 180' had a predominantly low yields but were also the earliest, while modern hybrid variety 'P 9074' and 'Ronaldinio KWS ' had the expected highest yield. Yield of 'P 9074' grown at the Laboratory field of the Biotechnical Faculty was almost twice higher than the second best accession 'Metliška Plut'. However it is this semi-flint accessions 'Metliška Plut' that proved very suitable at all four experiments and is recommended for further maintenance and varietal testing as it can serve as appropriate alternative in a less intensive production.


  • Poleganje rastlin smo ocenili z indeksom poleglosti, izraženim z vrednostjo od 0-4, kjer je bil indeks 0 nepoleglo, indeks 1 do % poleglo, indeks 2 do % poleglo, indeks 3 do 99 % poleglo in indeks 4 povsem poleglo glede na vizualno oceno

  • Tabela 3: Delež vlage v zrnju ob spravilu ter pridelek po posameznih akcesijah koruze na lokaciji v Krasincu (2015) Table 3: Seed moisture content and yield of maize populations evaluated on location Krasinec (2015)

  • 6 ZAHVALA Raziskava je bila izvedena v sklopu projekta V4-1313 'Vzpostavitev sistema vzdrževalne selekcije in pridelave semenskega materiala kmetijskih rastlin za sonaravne oblike kmetovanja'

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Poskus v letu 2015

Akcesije so se med seboj razlikovale po ranosti, kar je razvidno iz ocene pojava metličenja (Jablje). Podobno so se na tej lokaciji akcesije razlikovale v vsebnosti vlage v zrnju ob spravilu, kjer je imel hibrid 'LJ 180' najmanjšo, 'Belokranjska trdinka' pa največjo (Tabela 2). Ob spravilu smo pri populaciji 'Rdeča bohinjka' zabeležili 26,3 % vlage v zrnju, pri populaciji 'Rumena bohinjka' pa 26,6 %. V Krasincu je imela značilno najmanjši pridelek populacija 'Rdeča bohinjka' (2,60 t/ha). Značilno največji pridelek je imela populacija 'Metliška Plut' (4,12 t/ha in 29,6 % vlage v zrnju) (Tabela 3). Tabela 3: Delež vlage v zrnju ob spravilu ter pridelek po posameznih akcesijah koruze na lokaciji v Krasincu (2015) Table 3: Seed moisture content and yield of maize populations evaluated on location Krasinec (2015). Pridelek ob 14 % vlagi t/ha 3,27 bc* 2,60 ab 3,61 bc 2,13 a 4,12 c 3,10 abc 3,60 bc 3,29 bc 3,62 bc

Poskus v letu 2016
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