
Background & Aims: Liver is the most vulnerable organ to a variety of metabolic, toxic, microbial and circulatory insults. Involvement of liver in various disease processes may be primary (e.g., alcoholism) or secondary to other organs like cardiac causes or extrahepatic infections.The aim of this study is to evaluate the histopathological spectrum of liver diseases inautopsy cases. Material and Method: This prospective study comprises of 150 liver specimens obtained from autopsies received at Autopsy section, Department of Pathology, Government Medical College and Sir T General Hospital, Bhavnagar during the period of 1 year from 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022. Histopathological findings of cases were recorded, analysed and expressed as frequencies and percentage. Result: A total of 150 specimens were studied. Age ranges from 8 months to 80 years, with M:F ratio of 4:1. Normal histology was found in 8 (5.33%) cases. Important findings included Fatty change in 59 (39.33%), Congestion in 42 (28.00%), Chronic Venous Congestion in 9 (6.00%), chronic hepatitis in 5 (3.33%), steatohepatitis in 5 (3.33%) and cirrhosis in 9 (6.00%) cases. Causes of death were: Other illness in 82 (54.67%), Sudden death in 22 (14.67%), Accidental in 21 (14%), Brought dead in 12 (8%), Suicidal in 9 (6%), Alcohol poisoning in 2 (1.33%) and Hepatic encephalopathy in 2 (1.33%) cases. Conclusion: Autopsy examination is very important in understanding the magnitude of clinically silent liver lesions. In this study asymptomatic fatty liver was the most common silent liver disease followed by Congestion. Keywords: -Liver pathology, Autopsy, Fatty change, Congestion, Cirrhosis.

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