
Abstract Background Cirrhosis is a late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver caused by many forms of liver diseases and conditions, such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. The prevalence of cirrhosis has nearly doubled over the last decade, and the number of hospitalizations has similarly increased. Aim of the Work We aimed to correlate between the severity of liver cirrhosis using new MELD score and left ventricle diastolic dysfunction using tissue doppler imaging. Patients and Methods A prospective observational study in ICU of Theodor Bilharz Research Institute Hospital and Ain Shams University Hospitals for 6 months from June 2021 till end of November 2021 on hepatic patients who were admitted to ICU of Theodor Bilharz Research Institute Hospital and Ain Shams University Hospitals. Results In the studied group, the mean age was 53.13±9.44 years with males constituting more than half of them (57.8%). The mean MELD score was 24.08±6.01, and the mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF %) was 60.43±5.49%. There were 5 patients (5.6%) with normal LV diastolic function and 85 patients (94.4%) with abnormal LV diastolic dysfunction. Out of the 90 patients, 5 patients were normal, 44 patients (48.9%) had a grade I LVDD, 28 patients (31.1%) had a grade II LVDD and 13 patients (14.4%) had a grade III LVDD. There was a highly statistically significant positive association between the grades of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction according to ALT, AST, T.Bilirubin, D.Bilirubin, INR and Creatinine. Additionally, there was a highly statistically significant negative association between grading of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction according to platelet count and sodium levels. Conclusion There was a statistically significant correlation found between the severity of liver cirrhosis represented by the new MELD score and the grade of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Therefore, in order to prepare the best post-procedural management of cirrhotic patients, echocardiography is required for all patients before any interventional procedure or liver transplantation regardless of the stage of cirrhosis. The mechanism of cardiac involvement in patients with cirrhosis seems to be complex and multifactorial.

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