
Korean Abstract: 기존 진출기업 지원정책은 수출촉진을 위해 진출 이전단계에 집중한 나머지 기(旣)진출기업에 대한 지원을 간과했다. 진출기업 지원정책의 새로운 방향으로 동남아 기(旣)진출기업과 신규 진출기업 간의 신(新)생태계 형성을 위한 지원이 필요하다. 본 연구는 동남아 지역에서 활동 중인 중소기업의 경영실태를 분석하여 효과성 높은 해외진출 중소기업 지원정책의 방향성을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위해 동남아 주요국의 주요 대내외 경제여건 변화를 정리하고 동남아 진출 한국 중소기업에 미친 영향을 분석할 뿐만 아니라, 설문조사 및 현지 조사를 통해 동남아에 기(旣)진출한 중소기업이 우리나라의 수출확대와 신규로 동남아 진출을 희망하는 중소기업의 안정적인 진출 토대로 기능할 수 있음을 확인한다. 마지막으로 진출기업 지원정책의 새로운 방향성으로 기(旣)진출기업과 신규진출 기업 간의 협업을 통한 새로운 생태계 형성 지원방안을 제시하고 있다. 기존 진출기업 지원정책이 수출촉진을 위해 진출 이전단계에 집중한 나머지 기진출기업을 간과한 측면이 있었다는 점에서 정책적으로 새로운 접근이라 생각한다. English Abstract: The entry pattern of Korean small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into Southeast Asia was influenced by the ASEAN FTA in 2007 and the global financial crisis in 2008. SMEs that have entered the market with the aim of utilizing the low-wage labor force have been placing the most importance on entering the local market since 2007. In addition, after the global financial crisis in 2008, large corporations reshaped their production network rapidly to Southeast Asia, but not to SMEs, which were vulnerable to risk. Fortunately, since 2014, SMEs’ investment in Southeast Asia has recovered to pre-2008 levels, mainly in Vietnam and Indonesia. As Golovko and Valentini (2011) pointed out, it is possible to measure the business performance of the enterprise to the extent that the small- and medium-sized enterprises enter the overseas market. While many Korean SMEs have moved into Southeast Asia, there are still very few studies that have conducted fundamental research into their management status. Instead, there have been abundant studies about how to enter Southeast Asia in order to meet the needs of Korean companies that want to go there. Considering the shortage of information on the management status of Korean SMEs participating in the regional production network (RPN) Korean large corporations have newly established in the Southeast Asian region, data on the Korean SMEs in Southeast Asia is required to prepare the future direction and the support policies for the SMEs. This study was conducted to meet this demand. The second chapter summarizes how the economy of Southeast Asia is affected by changes in the external environment, such as slowing growth in the Chinese economy, low prices of raw materials, collapse of mega-FTAs, and the recent strengthening of protectionism. Chapter 3 analyzes the investment strategy of Japanese SMEs in Southeast Asia. We examine the response of the Japanese government and SMEs to changes in domestic and international economic conditions in Southeast Asia. Chapter 4 analyzes the management status and business performance of SMEs entering Southeast Asia through surveys.

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