
Nine different IPM modules were evaluated against H. armigera on chickpea. The IPM module consisting NSKE-NPV-Quinal was found most effective in minimizing pod damage and increasing the seed yield in chickpea followed by NPV-BtK-Quinal whereas, module Quinal-NSKE-BtK proved least effective followed by BtK-NPV-NSKE, Quinal-NPV-NSKE and NSKE-BtK-NPV. The modules NPV-Quinal-BtK, BtK-NSKE-Quinal and NSKE-Quinal-NPV existed in middle order of efficacy against H. armigera. The net monetary return and benefit cost ratio in different IPM modules varied from Rs 2,411 to 22,595 and 0.48 to 6.61, respectively being, highest in module NSKE-NPV-Quinal while, minimum in Quinal-NSKE-BtK.

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