
Abstract Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes that take place in intraocular pressure in elite boxers after a boxing bout. Methods. The study included 18 elite boxers. Participants were required to attend to fifteen minutes warming up and 4 round boxing bout. The baseline intraocular pressures of all athletes before exercise was measured and the measurements were repeated immediately after the boxing bout and 1 and 6 hour later. Results. The mean intraocular pressures of the right and left eyes before exercise were 14.61±3.25 mmHg and 14.88±3.16 mmHg and immediately after exercise were 10.94±3.33 mmHg and 11.11±3.04 mmHg respectively. Significant differences were found when the before and immediately after exercise intraocular pressures were compared (p <0.05). IOP returned to baseline in an hour and didn't show any significant change later. Conclusion. An intraocular pressure decrease was determined immediately after boxing bout but the quantity of this decrease was smaller than we expected. Keywords: Intraocular pressure, boxing, exercise Ozet Amac. Bu calismanin amaci boks karsilasmasindan sonra elit boksorlerde goz ici basinc degisikliginin degerlendirilmesidir. Yontem. On sekiz elit boksor calismaya dahil edilmistir. Katilimcilarin 4 round boks musabakasi oncesi 15 dakika isinma egzersizleri yapmasi istenmistir. Egzersiz oncesi ilk goz ici basinci olcumu yapilmis ve tekrarlayan olcumler ise boks musabakasindan hemen sonra, birinci ve altinci saatlerde gerceklestirilmistir. Bulgular. Egzersiz oncesi sag ve sol gozun ortalama goz ici basinc degeri 14.61±3.25 mmHg ve 14.88±3.16 mmHg olarak bulunurken, egzersizden hemen sonra bu deger 10.94±3.33 mmHg ve 11.11±3.04 mmHg olarak belirlenmistir. Egzersiz oncesi ve sonrasi goz ici basinc degerleri karsilastirildigi zaman istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark bulunmustur (p <0.05). Bir saat sonraki olcumde goz ici basincinin normal degere dondugu ve sonrasinda degismedigi gorulmustur. Sonuc. Boks musabakasi sonrasi derhal yapilan olcumlerde goz ici basincinda dusus oldugu gorulmus, fakat bu dususun beklenenden az oldugu tespit edilmistir. Anahtar sozcukler: Goz ici basinc, boks, egzersiz

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