
The present work reports on the detailed electro-thermal evaluation of a highly water dispersible, functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) using inkjet printing technology. Aiming in the development of printed electronic devices, a flexible polyimide substrate was used for the structures’ formation. A direct comparison between the f-rGO ink dispersion and a commercial graphene inkjet ink is also presented. Extensive droplet formation analysis was performed in order to evaluate the repeatable and reliable jetting from an inkjet printer under study. Electrical characterization was conducted and the electrical characteristics were assessed under different temperatures, showing that the water dispersion of the f-rGO is an excellent candidate for application in printed thermal sensors and microheaters. It was observed that the proposed f-rGO ink presents a tenfold increased temperature coefficient of resistance compared to the commercial graphene ink (G). A successful direct interconnection implementation of both materials with commercial Ag-nanoparticle ink lines was also demonstrated, thus allowing the efficient electrical interfacing of the printed structures. The investigated ink can be complementary utilized for developing fully printed devices with various characteristics, all on flexible substrates with cost-effective, few-step processes.

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