
One of the main ways to obtain consistently high yields in Siberian conditions is the use of adaptive varieties. Selection plays a key role in solving this problem. Success in breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses depends on the correct choice of initial parental forms for crossing. The purpose of the study is to evaluate varieties and promising breeding lines of soft winter wheat of various ecological and geographical origin in terms of productivity and adaptive potential. The results of the study of 68 varieties and breeding lines of winter soft wheat are presented. The studies were carried out on the experimental field of the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding, a branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The most favorable conditions for the formation of the winter wheat crop were formed in 2021 (Ij=125.1). The least favorable conditions developed in 2020 (Ij= -171.2). The most winter-hardy varieties were Scepter, Novosibirskaya 32, Pamyati Chekurova, Omskaya 6. The Volzhskaya variety showed high plasticity (bi=1.49), but was not stable over the years. The most stable varieties among highly productive samples were Novosibirskaya 32 (δd² = 13.75), Lutescens 261-3 (δd² = 16.86), Pamyati Chekurova (δd² = 13.95), Zhemchuzhina Povolzh’ya (δd² = 10.33), Volzhskaya 22 (δd² = 22.70). Genotypes combining high rates of plasticity and stability Lutescens 261-3 (bi=1.26; δd²= 16.86) and Volzhskaya 22 (bi=1.97; δd² = 22.70). Samples of Pamyati Chekurova, Scepter, Omskaya 6 and Chekh 16 stood out for a number of indicators: in terms of stress resistance Уmin - Уmax = -51.9 ÷ -282.5; in terms of genetic flexibility (Уmax+Уmin)/2 = 568.8÷651.8; by yield variability V = 4.6÷26.4%; according to homeostasis Hom = 8.13÷94.88; by breeding value Sc = 391.3÷521.5. These samples are of interest in the selection of winter soft wheat to improve adaptability

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