
Infection prevention and control (IPC) in health care facilities is essential to protecting patients, visitors, and health care personnel from the spread of infectious diseases, including Ebola virus disease (Ebola). Patients with suspected Ebola are typically referred to specialized Ebola treatment units (ETUs), which have strict isolation and IPC protocols, for testing and treatment (1,2). However, in settings where contact tracing is inadequate, Ebola patients might first seek care at general health care facilities, which often have insufficient IPC capacity (3-6). Before 2014-2016, most Ebola outbreaks occurred in rural or nonurban communities, and the role of health care facilities as amplification points, while recognized, was limited (7,8). In contrast to these earlier outbreaks, the 2014-2016 West Africa Ebola outbreak occurred in densely populated urban areas where access to health care facilities was better, but contact tracing was generally inadequate (8). Patients with unrecognized Ebola who sought care at health care facilities with inadequate IPC initiated multiple chains of transmission, which amplified the epidemic to an extent not seen in previous Ebola outbreaks (3-5,7). Implementation of robust IPC practices in general health care facilities was critical to ending health care-associated transmission (8). In August 2018, when an Ebola outbreak was recognized in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), neighboring countries began preparing for possible introduction of Ebola, with a focus on IPC. Baseline IPC assessments conducted in frontline health care facilities in high-risk districts in Uganda found IPC gaps in screening, isolation, and notification. Based on findings, additional funds were provided for IPC, a training curriculum was developed, and other corrective actions were taken. Ebola preparedness efforts should include activities to ensure that frontline health care facilities have the IPC capacity to rapidly identify suspected Ebola cases and refer such patients for treatment to protect patients, staff members, and visitors.


  • Ebola outbreaks necessitate rapid scale-up of infection prevention and control (IPC) preparedness activities at facilities where the risk for encountering patients with Ebola is high

  • Planning for the establishment of well-run, functional ETUs is a critical aspect of Ebola preparedness, IPC readiness at frontline general health care facilities is critical to preventing the spread of disease and propagation of outbreaks

  • Close collaboration between the Uganda MOH and district health offices has been critical, and ongoing engagement of district health officers will be needed for coordination of local mentorship activities and sustainability of IPC preparedness efforts

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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

Evaluation of Infection Prevention and Control Readiness at Frontline Health Care Facilities in High-Risk Districts Bordering Ebola Virus Disease–Affected. Baseline IPC assessments conducted in frontline health care facilities in high-risk districts in Uganda found IPC gaps in screening, isolation, and notification. Ebola preparedness efforts should include activities to ensure that frontline health care facilities have the IPC capacity to rapidly identify suspected Ebola cases and refer such patients for treatment to protect patients, staff members, and visitors. In August 2018, baseline IPC assessments were performed with a convenience sample of four health care facilities in Uganda selected because of their proximity to the focus of the Ebola outbreak in DRC. Location of Ebola virus disease outbreaks and frontline health care facilities conducting baseline infection prevention and control (IPC) assessments — Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)–Uganda border region, 2018

IPC assessments or mentoring
Gaps identified
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