
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the immunomodulatory activity of ethanolic extract of the peels , as well as the fruit juice of P. granatum . The in vivo studies were conducted using Wistar albino rats. T he effect on cell - mediat ed immunity was determined by neutrophil adhesion test and Cyclophosphamide induced myelosuppression. HA (Hemagglutination Antibody) titer was used to determine the effect on antibody mediated immunity. Statistical analysis was done using one way ANOVA, fo llowed by Tukey - Kramer multiple comparison test. The results were expressed as Mean ± SEM. The peel extract and the fruit juice were found to have significant effect on the percentage neutrophil adhesion, cyclophosphamide induced myelosuppression and HA ti ter, when compared to the standard (Levamisole) group. It was concluded that, the peel extract and the fruit juice had significant effect on cell - mediated and humoral immunity.

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