
Cryptosporidium is recognized globally as a major etiology of persistent and chronic diarrheaespecially in immunocompromised patients and children with significant morbidity and mortalityrates. Moreover, it is one of the most important pathogens causing waterborne outbreaks.Hence, rapid diagnosis is crucial. In this study, we tried to determine the diagnostic performanceof Rida®Quick Cryptosporidium cassettes versus microscopy of the modified acid-faststained smear. Forty fecal samples were collected from immunocompromised patients complainingof chronic diarrhea. All samples were examined by Rida®Quick Cryptosporidium cassettesfor copro-antigen detection, and microscopically using concentration techniques andmodified acid-fast staining. Cryptosporidium was detected in (45%) of immunocompromisedpatients. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of Rida®Quick Cryptosporidium cassetteswere 88.9%, 95.5%, 94.1% & 91.3% respectively with an accuracy of 92.5%. There was nocross-reactivity with other intestinal parasites. Rida®Quick Cryptosporidium cassettes provideadequate sensitivity and specificity and give rapid results. Our results recommend its use as analternative test in certain situations especially when screening large populations is needed urgentlyin a short time, as in outbreaks and epidemiological surveys.

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