
Research results from the past several years indicate significant influence of humancomputer interaction (HCI) on computer system development, which, combined with technological development, enabled their application in almost every branch of human activity (Jacob et al., 2007). HCI can be defined as “a field of study related to design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computer systems used by humans, which also includes research of the main phenomena that surround it” (Dix et al., 1998). Multidisciplinary nature of human-computer interaction requires contribution from different science disciplines, especially from computer science, cognitive psychology, social and organizational psychology, ergonomics and human factors, computer-aided design and engineering, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, sociology and anthropology. Main goal of HCI is to improve interaction between the user and the computer in order to make computers more user friendly and designed systems more usable. Understanding physical, intellectual and personal differences between potential users defines the level of understanding and fulfilling user needs. Regarding different human perceptual, cognitive and motor abilities can lead to universally usable interface development. In HCI, knowledge of the capabilities and hitations of the human operator is used for the design of systems, software, tasks, tools, environments, and organizations. The purpose is generally to improve productivity while providing a safe, comfortable and satisfying experience for the operator (Helander et al., 1997). In this Chapter, we have presented some new research results on HCI methodologies. An extension of cognitive model for HCI XUAN/t, based on decomposition of user dialogue into elementary actions (GOMS) is described. Using this model, descriptions of elementary (sensor, cognitive and motor) actions performed by user and system are introduced sequentially, as they will happen. In order to evaluate user performance in interaction with interface, based on the described model and psychometric concepts, we have developed software CASE tool for testing sensomotor abilities of user in human-computer interaction. Software CASE tool arranges tests into test groups for psychosensomotor and memory capabilities. Test construction is based on recognition of activities in user-computer interaction, prominent user characteristics and the measurement method of individual production results. Taking into account different aspects of user profiles confronts us with the challenges of physical,

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