
In Ayurveda Shodhan (purification) process plays a very significant role in purification of Herbal & Mineral drugs like Hingul (Cinnabar) & Vatsanabh (Aconitum ferox) for internal administration. Hinguleshwar rasa is one of the important Herbo-mineral formulation in Ayurveda. In this study we performed purification (shodhan) of Hingul (cinnabar) & Vatsanabh (Aconitum ferox) according to text and after using it in Hinguleshwar rasa we try to find out elemental changes during whole purification & trituration process. Because of the need of purification & standardisation in Ayurveda we do ICP AES Elemental qualitative analysis of drug and formulation. After doing ICP AES test of purified Hingul we found elements like Chromium, Sodium, Tungsten. but these element were not present in sample of raw Hingul (Cinnabar). In the sample of purified and un-purified Vatsanabh (Aconitum ferox) we not found any significant different element in this test. In Hinguleshwar rasa we not found elements which are present in purified Hingul (Cinnabar) & purified Vatsanabh (Aconitum ferox) like Chromium, Gallium, Nickel and Tungsten. Hence this study concludes that some elemental changes may happen after purification, trituration process and during preparation of any formulation. ICP AES elemental qualitative analysis helps to find out elemental changes in the given sample.


  • In Ayurveda many Herbo-mineral formulation was mentioned in texts of Rasashastra

  • 6 Hinguleshwar Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cl, Cu, rasa (D) Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Observations & Results In ICP AES qualitative analysis report found some element in the samples. 1.In the sample of shodhit Hingul we found elements like Chromium (CR), Sodium (NA), Tungsten (W). but these element were not present in sample of unpurified raw Hingul. 2.In the sample of shodhit and ashudha Vatsanabh we not found any different significant element in this test. 3.In sample of Hinguleshwar rasa we not found elements which are present in shodhit Hingul & shodhit Vatsanabh like Chromium (CR), Gallium (GA), Molybdenum (MO), Nickel (NI), Lead (PB), Tungsten (W)

  • It helps to know the elemental changes after carried out different procedures which are mentioned in Ayurveda like Shodhan, Mardan( trituration) etc

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Hinguleshwar rasa and its contents like shodhit (purified) Hingul (Cinnabar), Vatsanabh (Aconitum ferox) & Pippali (Piper longum L.) were used in different disease. Standardization of herbo-mineral formulation on the elemental level is a need of present era. ICP AES Elemental qualitative analysis of Hinguleshwar rasa , Pippali (Piper longum), shodhit Ashodhit Hingul (Cinnabar) and Vatsanabh (Aconitum ferox) were carried out in IIT Bombay for find out elemental changes after purification & during preparation process of formulation. ICPAES study reveals various elements in the Hinguleshwar rasa and in Hingul before and after the purification process. In this present study ICP AES Elemental qualitative analysis helps to evaluate & standardize the process of Hinguleshwar rasa & its contents

Materials and methods
Sadananda Sharma
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