
To evaluate the pro-environmental behaviour of visitors in the Alps, we surveyed 100hikers on two hiking trails in Triglav National Park (NP) in Slovenia during the 2010and 2012 summer seasons. We collected demographic data on hikers and examined1) pro-environmental behaviour at home, 2) willingness to pay for environmentallyfriendly goods and services, and 3) enrolment in environmental education and involvementin conservation projects. We identified 13 significant correlations betweenpro-environmental behaviour questions and demographically based hikers’ groups.Level of education and enrolment in environmental educational activities predictedpro-environmental behaviour and attitudes toward conservation. Our results showthat visitors who hike in Triglav NP come in pairs or with friends, value nature, andare prepared to pay more for goods with eco-labels and services from environmentallyresponsible suppliers. Only 36,7% have enrolled in an educational programme,training, workshop or activity. The majority of respondents choose the location fortheir vacation based on an area’s nature preservation characteristics. We discussthe factors that influence hikers’ pro-environmental behaviour and investigate therelationship between level of education and hikers’ pro-environmental behaviour athome. We also examine the importance of nature preservation characteristics in hikers’choice of vacation destination. Finally, this research provides valuable data forunderstanding hikers’ behaviour and suggestions for managers of protected areas tocreate tourism offers that are more educational and environmentally friendly.

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