
A patient with chronic kidney disease depends on hemodialysis to mechanically remove fluid, electrolytes, and waste products from the blood. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a universal matter of concern that affects around 15% of the population globally. Objective: To evaluate hemodialysis complications among children with chronic kidney disease. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at the renal department of DHQ hospital. The duration of study was six months from April to September, 2023. The sample size was 45 children on hemodialysis with kidney disease. A purposive sampling technique was used. Data were gathered through self-administrated questionnaire. Data were analyzed through SPSS-25.0 and results were presented in the form of frequencies tables. Results: Majority of the participants suggested that initiation of hemodialysis lead to cardiovascular problems (72%), anemia (83%), and metallic taste (79%) in children. Moreover, majority of them complained about skin problem and itching as an adverse effect (78%). Other complications as indicated by participants are headache, restlessness, vertigo, nausea and vomiting (86%). Conversely, some subjects did not considered the hypertriglyceridemia (27%), gastric problems (31%), sleep problems (24%) and muscular pain (34%) as the result of initiation of hemodialysis procedure. Conclusions: Findings of present study suggested the most common complications of hemodialysis are hemodynamic instability, anemia and hypertension/hypotension, skin problems and itching. Other complications of hemodialysis as indicated by participants are headache, restlessness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting and decease concentration in children. However, most of the participants have limited understanding about additional complications of hemodialysis.

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