
The genus Heliconia L. (lobster-claw) has attracted much attention for its floricultural potential as a source of cut flowers and flowering pot plants. The natural variability in heliconia plants and populations is high (Berry and Kress, 1991) and can be exploited for breeding purposes. Twelve genotypes of Heliconia viz., H. angusta, H. psittacorum, H. densiflora, H. stricta, H. orthotricha, H. latispatha, H. rostrata, H. bihai, H. caribaea, H. latispatha, H. wagneriana, H. marginata, were evaluated for fifteen different parameters to ascertain the genetic variability and association among the characters during the year 2011-12. This experiment was carried out under the All India Coordinated Research Project on Floriculture at Botanic Gardens, TNAU, Coimbatore. The PCV was higher than GCV for all the fifteen characters studied. The respective PCV and GCV estimates were found to be higher with respect to days taken for first flowering (72.13, 56.70), number of shoots per clump (70.45, 60.17), vase life (67.10, 46.42) and flower yield per clump (60.86, 45.49). High heritability coupled with genetic advance was observed for plant height at 180 days after planting (81.77 and 81.80). Among the genotypes, H. wagneriana ‘Wagneriana Red’ showed its superiority for plant height (224.40 cm), plant spread (246.84 cm), leaf length (112.20 cm), collar girth (15.92 cm) and number of shoots per clump (13.27). While H. rostrata ‘Lobster Claw’ registered improved values for the parameters viz., spike length (53.75 cm), number of bracts per spike (19.39) and number of florets per bract (14.20). Similarly H. stricta ‘Iris’ showed its superiority for bract length (17.18 cm) and vase life (18.43 days). Based on the above results, it has been concluded that the genotypes H. wagneriana ‘Wagneriana Red’, H. rostrata ‘Lobster Claw’ and H. stricta ‘Iris’ can be recommended for commercial cultivation.

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