
PT X merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang sanitary manufactur yang memproduksi peralatan sanitasi. Salah satu tahapan produksinya yaitu pencetakan (casting) serta pembakaran yang suhunya dapat mencapai 20000C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengethui pengendalian heat stres yang telah dilakukan perusahaan terhadap pekerja di area Kiln dan Cast shop di PT X. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional, dengan unit analisis perusahaan manufacturing. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur suhu lingkungan dan suhu yang diterima oleh pekerja yang berada di unit cast shop dan kiln. Hasil menunjukkan indeks WBGT in rata-rata area Kiln dan Cast Shop antara 30.710C-33.80C dengan pola kerja pekerja 50%-75% serta beban kerja yang masuk dalam katagori sedang jika dibandingkan dengan standard yang ditetapkan, kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan pekerja mengalami heat stress. Adapun rekomendasikan yang diberikan yaitu dengan penambahan titik untuk penyedian air minum, agar satus hidrasi pekerja tetap terjaga sehingga pekerja tidak mengalami heat stress selama bekerja PT X is a company engaged in the sanitary manufacturing sector that produces sanitary equipment. One of the production stages is molding (casting) and burning where the temperature can reach 20000C. This study aims to determine the control of heat stress that has been carried out by the company on workers in the Kiln and Cast shop area at PT X. This research is descriptive with a cross-sectional research design, with a manufacturing company as the unit of analysis. The research was conducted by measuring the ambient temperature and the temperature received by workers in the cast shop and kiln units. The results show that the average WBGT index in the Kiln and Cast Shop area is between 30.710C-33.80C with a work pattern of 50% -75% and the workload is in the moderate category when compared to the standards set, this condition can cause workers to experience heat stressed. The recommendations given are by adding points for the provision of drinking water, so that the hydration status of workers is maintained so that workers do not experience heat stress while working.

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