
Groundnut is grown during July to October in kharif season, however area under early kharif (sowing in May) is increasing in Andhra Pradsh, where ever irrigation facilities exists. Hence to identify suitable variety for the situation, fourteen pre release and two released groundnut genotypes were evaluated during early kharif 2013 for growth, physiological traits and yield attributes. At harvest genotypes TCGS-1375 (41.331 g plant-1), TCGS-1342(41.059 g plant-1) significantly recorded higher total dry matter compared to all other cultivars and checks followed by TCGS-1330 (36.667 g plant-1), TCGS-1349 (36.433 g plant-1). TCGS-1342 recorded significantly higher Crop Growth Rate (CGR) value of 33.848 g m-2 day-1, where as TCGS-1346 (0.1265 g dm-2 day-1) and TCGS-1330 (0.1262 g dm-2 day-1) recorded significantly higher Net Assimilation Rate (NAR) values at 45-60 DAS. Cultivar, TCGS-1330 recorded significantly higher pod yield 4210.44 Kg ha-1 compared to other entries and checks. The results revealed that pre release genotypes, TCGS-1342, TCGS-1375, TCGS-1330, TCGS-1346 recorded high physiological efficiency in terms of growth and physiological traits viz. total dry matter (TDM), crop growth rate (CGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and leaf area index (LAI) and also recorded high pod yield.

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