
Relevance. From an agrotechnical point of view, beans are a valuable crop capable of greening agriculture. Legumes have the ability to enter into symbiotic relationships with nodule nitrogen-fixing bacteria and assimilate atmospheric nitrogen. The creation of highly efficient plant-microbial systems in agrocenoses by breeding new varieties of legumes with a high symbiotic potential is a promising direction that makes it possible to control the efficiency of plant biomass accumulation and the quality of agricultural products. There is a need to evaluate varieties for adaptability and nodule-forming ability to implement breeding programs to create highly productive and high-quality varieties that can realize the genetic potential of productivity in the sharply continental climate.Materials and methods. On the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University in 2018-2020, an assessment was made of green bean varieties of different ecological and geographical origin with a bush type of growth. Experimental fields are located in the village of Michurinsky (left bank of Novosibirsk) and the educational and production farm "Garden of Michurintsev" (right bank of Novosibirsk). The study of samples in terms of adaptability parameters, as well as the ability to form nodules, was performed in accordance with generally accepted methods. We took into account the characteristics that affect the productivity of the crop - the number and weight of beans per plant, the weight of one bean, and the yield. The aim of the work is to evaluate the varieties of vegetable beans for adaptability and nodule-forming ability in the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Siberian region.Results. When forming the symbiotic apparatus, the growth conditions were taken into account. It has been established that high rates of biomass are observed on the territory of the village of Michurinsky. Varieties Morena and Maguyra are characterized by intensive growth in the experimental field of the village of Michurinsky, varieties Zoluyshka and Solnyshko – the educational and production farm "Garden of Michurintsev". The total number of nodules per plant varied from 29 (Kormilitsa) to 66. (Zoluyshka), active nodules – from 9 (Kormilitsa) to 49 (Zoluyshka). It is noted that the varieties Solnyshko and Zoluyshka have high rates of general adaptive ability and breeding value of the genotype. A strong relationship has been established between the characteristics of leaf mass and the number of active nodules, the number of active nodules and the leaf surface area; average - between the number of active nodules and plant biomass.

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