
Polygonatum sibiricum is widely consumed as a traditional Chinese herb and edible plant in China. Despite its nutritional and medical values, research on Polygonatum Mill. has been scarce, particularly as far as its genetic diversity is concerned. In this study, fourteen expressed sequence tag-derived simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) and seven sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers were used to evaluate the genetic diversity in fifty Polygonatum Mill. accessions. The EST-SSRs and SRAPs produced 173 (90.58%) and 113 (93.39%) polymorphic bands, respectively. Unweighted Pair-Group Method Analysis (UPGMA) based on the combined data matrices of EST-SSRs and SRAPs divided the fifty Polygonatum Mill. accessions into fourteen groups. In addition, accessions of P. cyrtonema Hua obtained from Anhui and Zhejiang provinces were clustered according to their geographic origin. Furthermore, some accessions were gathered together based on species, such as P. kingianum Coll. et Hemsl, P. punctatum Royle ex Kunth, P. odoratum (Mill.) Druce, and P. sibiricum Red., and bootstrap analysis for clustering fully supported the grouping of the accessions. The Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) results revealed higher variation within populations (95%) rather than among populations (5%), indicating that Polygonatum Mill. has a low genetic differentiation between populations, and Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) greatly supported the results of cluster analysis and AMOVA analysis. Finally, five markers which could produce abundant and stable bands were used to construct DNA fingerprinting database of Polygonatum Mill.. Our results demonstrated the utility of both EST-SSR and SRAP markers to successfully evaluate and identify Polygonatum Mill..

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