
Abstract Insecticides applied as seed treatments were evaluated at the Plant Science Research Farm, Mississippi State, MS. A RCBD with 5 replications was used. Plots were 35 ft long × 4 rows wide (38 inch centers) with no untreated buffer rows. The soil type was Marietta Loam with 13.3% organic matter, 47.5% sand, 35.0% silt, 17.3% clay, and a pH of 6.3. The trial was planted 7 May under the following conditions: excellent soil moisture, soil temperature 84°F, 37.1% relative humidity and ambient temperature of 86°F. The seeding rate was 200 seed per row. Plots were planted with a Maxemerge planter equipped with Almaco seed cones and belt-cones for seed and granule application. Liquids were applied by use of a CO2 powered sprayer with a single flat fan nozzle (90015VS) turned to spray mostly into the furrow. Application was at 2 mph, and 39 psi for 10 gal/acre. Band width was 1.75 inches. Because of nonuniform growing conditions within the plot area, plots were not harvested. Plant height (between cotyledonary nodes and the apical meristem) was measured on 3 dates, and stand counts and phytotoxicity ratings were made 20 May.

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