
Although manometric antral hypomotility and delayed gastric emptying have been reported separately in patients with dyspepsia, relationships between symptoms, antral contractility and emptying rate have not been sought. The present study therefore aimed to evaluate, simultaneously, gastric antral excursion characteristics and emptying in a sub-group of patients with severe functional dyspepsia using high-resolution real-time ultrasound. The circumference of the relaxed and contracted antrum was measured at 15-min intervals after ingestion of a 360 mL mixed nutrient meal in 36 chronic dyspepsia patients with symptoms of post-prandial bloating and epigastric distension, and in 25 healthy volunteers. Antral emptying (measured as the rate of decrease in circumference of the relaxed antrum) was slower in patients than normals (P = 0.02). In both groups, the average values for antral excursion were similar but the range of excursion in patients was significantly wider than in controls (F < 0.001), with 11 patients showing values above, and 8 showing values below the normal range. There was no relationship between antral emptying and antral excursion in either patients or volunteers. In conclusion, patients with severe functional dyspepsia show a wide range of antral performance characteristics, suggesting not only that the mechanisms responsible for the control of antral motor function are disturbed but also that the cause of the symptoms and the disturbed antral motor function are probably not directly related.

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