
Abstract Furadan and Payload were evaluated for control of rice water weevil at the Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA. Plots, 1.22 × 7.5 m, were individually leveed and arranged in a RCBD with 4 replicates and 4 treatments. Fertilizer was incorporated pre-plant and applied broadcast 3 wk post-flood at 50.6 kg (13-13-13) and 101.2 kg (21-0-0) N-P-K/ha respectively. Plots were drill seeded (17.5 cm row spacing) to Crowley silt loam with ‘Cyprus’ rice at 112.5 kg seed/ha on 12 May, flush irrigated 14 and 21 May, and permanently flooded 28 May. Propanil was applied at 3.34 kg/ha on 26 May using a CO2 backpack sprayer delivering 141.9 liters/ha at 1.8 kg/cm2 for weed control. Benomyl was aerially applied at 0.56 kg/ha on 28 Jun to control rice blast. Furadan 3G was applied 15 d post-flood using a hand-held shaker. Payload 15G was applied 15 d post-flood and at 2.95 kg/ha 15 and 29 d post-flood. Two randomly selected soil samples per plot were taken every 7 d starting 9 Jun and ending 21 Jul using a 10.2 × 10.2 cm core sampler. Individual samples were washed through a funnel, fitted with wire screen, into a 35 mesh screen sieve. Collected RWW larvae and pupae were floated in a saturated NaCl solution, counted and corrected for the number of rice plants per core. Effects of pesticide treatment on numbers of immature RWW were determined by ANOVA using orthogonal contrasts to separate the following mean comparisons: 1) Untreated vs Treated; 2) Furadan 3G vs Payload 15G applied once at 5.9 kg/ha and Payload applied twice a 2.95 kg/ha/application date; (3) Payload 15G applied once at 5.9 kg/ha vs Payload applied twice at 2.95 kg/ha/application. Because no significant differences in larva numbers were found among the Payload treatments, these were pooled and the following contrasts made: 1) Untreated vs Treated; 2) Furadan 3G vs Payload 15G. Analysis was performed using larval counts corrected and uncorrected for the number of plants per core, since these analyses produced similar results, only uncorrected means are presented in the table. All analyses were conducted at the 0.05 probability level.

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