
Mustard group of crops are important oil seed crops of the world. The stem rot of mustard incited by Sclerotinia scletiorum (Lib.) de Bery, is a new emerging drastic disease. The pathogen was tested with 12 Fungicides and 03 Plant extract In-Vitro.In-Vivo condition 9 fungicides and 01 plant extract were tested in the year of 2019-20 and 2020-21. Among the tested fungicides namely Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil, and Vitvax were found most effective which inhibited the growth of the pathogen completely and inhibition exhibited 100%. Vapum was the least effective fungicide which showed 88.03mm fungal growth with 2.18 per cent inhibition over control. In-Vivo condition Chlorothalonil and Mancozeb was most effective fungicides which was showed mean minimum disease incidence (06.25% and 08.87%) and maximum mean yield 6.55 and 5.75q/ha. respectively. Next order of superiorly fungicides were Kitazin, Bavisin and Vitavax, which were showed the mean disease incidence 11.68, 13.65, 15.6 and yield 5.20, 4.70 and 4.30q/ha. respectively. Among the tested fungicide Zineb was least effective which was showed the maximum mean incidence of disease (30.03) with respect to minimum mean yield (2.67q/ha). Among the plant extract Nimbidinwas least effective which showed 33.14 per cent mean disease incidence and minimum (2.32q/ha) grain yield.

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