
Forensic medical examination is Searching for injuries and police to be used as evidence at trial Taking samples and A lawsuit following Sexual Assault Forensic Medicine The purpose of the test is to the victim's Health needs assessment Treatment of any injuries When consolidating and prosecuting Gather resources for potential use trial (US Department of Justice, 2004, pp. 30-2). Because the body is the scene of the crime, testimony is time sensitive and may only last until the victim has showered, washed, and/or urinated. (1) Examination by a health care provider is recommended even if no injuries are seen. As a result of the attack, (2) the victim did not want to collect evidence, or (3) the attack was not recent. In these cases, the victim may have injuries that are not obvious or serious or have associated health concerns Forensics in the criminal justice system Science is an important part. Forensic scientists at crime scenes and sources from elsewhere study commonly murder in major criminal cases including impeachment Guilt or innocence Forensic Science as a Factor in Determining was used. Forensic Medicine or Forensics Pathology is a branch of forensic science that helps in finding the results of crime evidence. Visualize by applying clinical facts to the situation. Course subjects help individuals become proficient in identifying the cause and time of death and other details about the deceased DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) They are divided into analysis using the Forensic Medical Examination Assessment of the victim, Informed consent, Medical, and gynecological history, Assault history, and Physical top-to-toe examination It is the interaction between the factors Visualized and assesses dependent relationships Through the structural model Also deals with identifying important.Assessment of the victim, Informed consent, Medical, and gynecological history, Assault history, Physical top-to-toe examination the assessment of the victim got the first rank whereas the Informed consent number is having the lowest rank.Forensic Medical Examination. Assessment of the victim is got the first rank whereas the Armed consent number is having the Lowest Rank

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