
This retrospective observational study was undertaken to study the sexual dimorphism in 108 adult human skulls (58 Male and 50 Female skulls) of known sex of population of Maharashtra from Foramen Magnum dimensions. Foramen Magnum Length (FML) and Foramen Magnum Breadth (FMB) were measured in millimeters with sliding vernier calipers. The values of range, mean, standard deviation, calculated range (mean±3SD), were obtained in univariate analysis. Subsequently Demarking point and Identification point were derived. The mean and range of FML of males (Mean-34.34 mm, Range 26–41 mm) was higher than that of females (Mean-33.64 mm, Range 29–38 mm) with significant difference. Also the mean and range of FMB of males (Mean-28.59 mm, Range 25–35 mm) was higher than that of females (Mean-27.56 mm, Range 22–32 mm) with significant difference. On comparing with other studies, the findings of the present study were found to be almost similar. The methods of demarking point (DP) and identification point (IP) were not found helpful in determining the sex of skull. FML and FMB were not found to be very reliable indicator in estimation of sex of an unknown skull and thus, these should only be used as a supportive finding in estimation of sex of fragmentary remains of skull.

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