
Globally, approximately 80 million unintended pregnancies worldwide are accounted for low utilization of family planning (FP) methods during adolescent and postpartum period. Young people’s sexual and reproductive health affects their lives and the health of the global community. The purpose of this study was to find out factors that contribute to low utilization of Family Planning Methods among adolescents attending family planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani District. A cross-sectional and descriptive study which employed quantitative method of data collection was used for a period of four weeks and the study was conducted at Family Planning clinic in Adjumani Hospital. A purposive sampling method was used. Only 45 adolescent aged 12 to 20 years old attending Family Planning clinic freely assented/consented to participate in the study. The results showed 25 (56%) of the adolescent were of age range 18-20 years and 5 (11%) who were 12-14 years. 31 (69%) respondents agreed that their culture allowed the use of FP method. Only 14 (31%) participants said that their culture does not allow the use of family planning method and revealed that FP affects their fertility. They also said that the culture considered it as a crime in the community. Nearly 38 (84%) have ever visited family planning clinic while very few 7 (16%) have not visited, most 27 (71%) were attended by Nurse while only few 3 (8%) were attended by Doctor. The results from this study shows that respondents’ family planning use conflict with their cultural/religious belief and majority claimed that family planning encourages cheating in relationship. Keywords: Adolescents, Family Planning, fertility, condoms

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