
AbstractTo assess the strength of coatings under multi‐axial stress conditions, a method was developed to evaluate the biaxial strength of thin silicon carbide (SiC) coatings using a ring‐on‐ring test. A graphite substrate was used as an intermediary to transmit stress from the load ring to the coated specimen, and the thin coating was subjected to a uniform equi‐biaxial stress. The strain in the thin film was continuously monitored using digital image correlation, allowing the identification of the time at which and when the initial crack occurred; the stress applied to the loading area at time was determined to be the fracture strength of the thin SiC films. The obtained fracture strength ranged from 209 to 1014 MPa and was dependent on specimen volume. Notably, the thinnest specimen exhibited the highest strength, whereas the strengths of thicker specimens approached previously reported bulk strengths.

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