
The aim of this paper is to analyze in depth the coupling between leakage electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by an electric vehicle wireless power transfer (EV-WPT) device under misaligned operating conditions and metallic coronary stents, which could be potentially hazardous to human electromagnetic safety. In this paper, we established that a standing human with a coronary stent implant and a sitting human with a coronary stent implant are exposed to the leaked EMFs of an EV-WPT device with a transmission power of 11 kW and 22 kW and a transmission frequency of 85 kHz, and we quantified the induced E-field strength of the human body by considering the x- and z-axis misalignment ranges of the WPT device as [−75 mm, 75 mm]. The results showed that the enhancement of the induced E-field in the human tissues near the sharp edges of the implant is significant. Meanwhile, the larger the WPT device misalignment generated, the higher the transmission power, and the closer the human body is to the WPT device, the larger the induced E-fieldmax value of the human body is, which has the possibility of exceeding the ICNIRP safety limit, and there is a potential human body electromagnetic safety problem.

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