
Background: Adverse drug reactions in the geriatric population are a growing concern, given their susceptibility to medication-related complications. However, underreporting of ADRs remains a significant challenge in India. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention on ADR reporting awareness among the geriatric population in a Tier II city of India. Methods: A pre-post intervention study was conducted in a Tier II city, involving a sample of geriatric individuals aged 60 and above. An educational intervention, consisting of workshops, pamphlets, and interactive sessions, was designed to enhance awareness of ADR reporting procedures. Pre-intervention and post-intervention assessments were conducted to measure changes in ADR reporting knowledge and willingness to report ADRs. Results: A total of 71 responses were received. All participants demonstrated an increased understanding of the importance of reporting ADRs and were more willing to report such incidents to health care authorities after the intervention. The educational intervention significantly improved awareness of ADR reporting procedures among the geriatric population Conclusions: The intention of the study was to assess the effectiveness of an educational programme on geriatric patients' awareness of the need to report adverse drug reactions to pharmacovigilance centres given that this age group is more prone to use multiple therapies. A large number of participants felt that increasing pharmacovigilance awareness and knowledge sharing will benefit society.

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