
East Asian Meiyu simulated by 35 global atmospheric models from the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6)/Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) were systematically evaluated for 1998–2014. The results show that most of the CMIP6/AMIP models can hardly reproduce the observed spatial pattern and interannual variability of East Asian Meiyu. The spatial pattern is relatively better simulated over Southern Korea and Japan where 14 out of 35 models have realistically simulated precipitation, as compared with the lower reaches of the Yangtze River where only 7 out of 35 models can well reproduce the Meiyu precipitation. For the Meiyu interannual variations, GFDL-CM4 and GFDL-ESM4 have the closest variance among the models versus the TRMM observations, while 12 out of 35 models show smaller variances. We explored the relationships of Meiyu precipitation with large-scale circulation and tropical sea surface temperature (SST), and showed that these relationships from CESM2-WACCM-FV2, EC-Earth3-CC, and MPI-ESM1-2-HAM agree well with those based on TRMM precipitation, MERRA2 reanalysis-derived large-scale atmospheric fields, and observed SST. It is found that the models with a better simulation of Meiyu precipitation can capture the relationship between Meiyu precipitation and the SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean more realistically. A performance ranking of the 35 individual CMIP6/AMIP models is further provided. It is shown that the top 20% of models based on interannual variability score tend to simulate a more realistic western Pacific subtropical high than the bottom 20% of models. And the top 20% of models based on comprehensive ranking measure simulate a more realistic EAP pattern than the bottom 20% of models.

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