
Due to a growth in the production of electronic waste (e-waste), the Philippines, particularly Zamboanga City, a top-tier, highly urbanized city on the Zamboanga Peninsula, is coping with an e-waste problem. Understanding the outside forces influencing e-waste management is necessary for creating effective strategies. With the help of a G-PESTLE analysis (geographical, political, economic, social, technical, legal, and environmental) and recommendations for improvement, this study assessed the city's existing e-waste management situation. The study looks at possibilities and problems, then offers management tactics based on the results. The study employed a hybrid methodology. Using the G-PESTLE analysis framework, the external factors affecting the management of e-waste were looked into. This procedure included focus groups, key informant interviews, and literature studies. To direct the analysis process, a framework for the research design was established with particular questions. The findings and discussions highlight the need for specific legislation, educational initiatives, technology advancements, and monetary incentives to solve e-waste concerns successfully. This study aims to provide focused management plans and actions that will enhance Zamboanga City's sustainable lifestyles and decrease the harmful effects of e-waste on the environment. The research applications of this study include informing future e-waste management research and initiatives, assisting stakeholders and policymakers in creating efficient policies and programs, and enhancing e-waste management practices in Zamboanga City. The results offer insightful information and a basis for promoting sustainable development, minimizing environmental impact, and implementing effective e-waste management strategies.

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