
A permissive left turn is one of the most dangerous movements a driver can make because the driver travels across opposing traffic lanes. In recent years, flashing yellow arrow (FYA) signals have been proven to help drivers make safer left turns. The four-section signal display with FYA permissive left-turn indication creates an opportunity to enhance the left-turn phase with a variable mode that can change on demand. A challenge to using this system is knowing the best times of day to apply the FYA indication. The authors developed an exclusive hardware platform: first, to provide a generic device compatible with the different controller types used by different jurisdictions and, second, to automate selection of the FYA left-turn modes based on available gaps in the opposing traffic at intersections acquired in real time from existing sensors in the field. Phase IV provided conclusive field testing and evaluation of the decision support system (DSS), by switching between red and FYA modes in a rational manner consistent with driver expectations and left-turning gap acceptance thresholds. It was also concluded that coordinated signals with long cycle lengths, 3 min and longer, help provide adequate gaps even in heavy traffic patterns since most of the vehicle arrivals are in platoons and at the beginning of the cycle. The analysis showed that the utilization factor for the DSS recommendations for all the intersections ranged between 65% and 75% during peak conditions on weekdays and between 90% and 95% during off-peak conditions and weekends. The total delay in the before study for all the intersections amounted to 737 vehicle-hours and in the after-study was 440 vehicle-hours of delay. An overall reduction of about 40% in delay which confirms the operational benefit of the dynamic FYA DSS. The developed platform is applicable at any four-section head configuration to maximize safety and efficiency of the intersections.

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